Saturday, April 9, 2016

Swarg in School

I was reading a book on Indian mythology, Myth=Mithya*, by Devdutt Pattnaik, when this crazy idea came to my mind. What if school was swarg**? What if all our teachers and the subjects were all Gods ?

If I were to make our school heaven, Indra, the king of Gods, would be our principal. The Kalpavriksha, or the tree which grows precious gems, would be our Vice Principal, because she guides us in such a way that we do not need any materialistic gems, she is our gem.

 Kama, the God of desire, would be our games class, which we always strive for. Whenever a teacher enters the class for substitution, we always ask her for games. 

Mathematics would be Brahma, the creator, because without mathematics we cannot do anything in life. We don’t have any life. We need maths for sports, arts, computers and science too.

Science would be Vishnu, the preserver. Science is the subject of life, and Vishnu the God of life. The different avatars of Vishnu would be the branches of Science. 

 English would be Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. If you do not know English, you don’t get a good job, no job, no money, you are poor.

 Social Studies would be Shakti, the Goddess, strength and power. Social Science is a powerful subject, you can make strong opinions about a topic . 

 Hindi, nowadays, is a neglected just like Ganga, the sacred river – everyone wants Ganga jal*** but no one takes care of it. Everyone needs Hindi but no-one wants to develop it.

 Lastly, the report card is Agni, the God of fire, which burns all our hard work to just a block with two-digit marks or an alphabet which shatters us and we start once again, so the report card is pralaya and the new life of ours after it is Matsya, the avatar of Vishnu which begins life on Earth.


*mithya- sanskrit word for myth
**swarg - equivalent to heaven in Indian mythology
***jal= water


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